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Progression Pathways: Advancing Responsible Investment Practices Among PRI Signatories

Updated: Oct 24, 2023

Published by PRI

The Progression Pathways responds to a key finding from the PRI in a Changing World consultation: the need to better target support and incentivize signatory progression on responsible investment. The report initial proposals on the Progression Pathways for responsible investors and provides a step-by-step journey for signatories on responsible investment practice.

During the PRI in a Changing World consultation between September 2022 and January 2023, 95% of respondents agreed that they expected to progress in their responsible investment activities, while 83% wished to demonstrate their progress in terms more relevant to them than is currently possible. As the PRI’s signatory base has grown, so have the challenges in differentiating and supporting the activities of signatories at different levels of advancement.

A framework for progressing responsible investment can respond to these needs, by making it clearer to clients and beneficiaries, and stakeholders, what PRI signatories’ intentions and actions as responsible investors mean in practice for their investments and for a sustainable world. The Progression Pathways can better tailor guidance, tools, reporting and accountability expectations, and create more relevant communities of practice.

One concept is based on investor purpose – whether investors’ primary approach to responsible investment involves (i) focusing on incorporating environmental, social and governance risks and opportunities, (ii) addressing the drivers of financially material sustainability risks or (iii) actively pursuing sustainability outcomes beyond financial materiality.

The other is based on investors’ approach to specific issues, such as climate change, human rights and biodiversity, and how these are reflected in investment practices.

The publication of this paper constitutes the launch of a co-design process with signatories. Over the remainder of 2023, and in 2024, signatories are invited to engage with the PRI on their preferences for the Progression Pathways.


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